Board 14

snowboard video title
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follow up to the snowboard videos Lost In Translation and
White Balance. ... For sure one of the most popular snowboard
videos of this season. Once
again Standard Films delivers one of the most inspiring
snowboard videos of the season. Winter of 2005 was legendary
and Standard Films was there to capture every moment. Filmed
on epic snow conditions and unique terrain features, Paradox
snowboard video is a perfect blend of freestyle and big
mountain snowboarding. Witness Jeremy Jones' craziest line
ever. Check out the most insane helicopter kicker footage
ever caught on film. Mads Jonsson breaks the world record
for the biggest air in Norway. Explore Russia's untracked
big mountain first descents. Paradox isn't one of the dime
a dozen jib snowboarding videos shot on video. Paradox is
Starring: John Jackson, Frederik Austbo, Eric Jackson,
Mark Landvik, Mads Jonsson, Frederik Kalbermatten, Jeremy
Featuring: Markku Koski, Jonaven Moore, Jonas Emery, Kazuhiro
Kokubo, Matt Hammer
Locations: Aspen Colorado, Terrace BC, Whistler BC, Squaw
Valley USA, Hemsedal, Norway, Alaska, Lake Tahoe, Switzerland
& Krasnaya Polynana Russia
this snowboard video you will step in to a world where impossibility
and creativity are the norm, a world where snowboarders
fly with birds and art is found in everything. "Cue
The Birds!" is not like other snowboard videos before.
Set in the near future "Cue" stars an insane group
of talented human-birds performing blistering flights of
fancy. The amazing snowboarding is backed up by a strange
and eerie video-scape that explores the boundaries of art,
flying, innovation, fun and oddity. Cue the fun, cue the
ability, cue your imagination, come fly with us and "Cue
The Birds!"starring: Ben Bogart, Sean Genovese, Jed
Hoffman, Brady Farr, Jesse Burtner, Roger Post, Luke Mathison,
Mark Landvik, Gus Engle, Mark Thompson, Andre Spinelli,
True Love, Kirk Stinebaugh, Patrick McCarthy, Matt Edgers,
John Laing, and more.
The Birds

Price $24.95 - List
Price $29.95

Differences Snowboard DVD - The Creative Differences Snowboard
DVD is perfect for the viewer who loves everything about
snowboarding. This video does not focus on just one aspect
of the sport. Rather, it features the tops dogs of the mountains
doing it all. Creative Differences was produced by First
Tracks Productions
Price $9.99 - List
Price $24.95
Eyebrows lifted when new blood showed its face with "Represent",
and now our Gen-Pop is about to drop a bomb on the entire
industry. The Block is hot with riders like Marc Frank Montoya,
Chris Coulter, Scotty Goodale, Lil Steez, Ali Goulet, T.J.
Schneider, Scotty Wittlake, Seth Huot, J2, Justin "Destroyer"
Hebbel, Gaetan Chanut and the many more in our army of representatives.
Dont sleep because this campaign will have a direct
impact on the future of snowboarding and will have traditional
snowboarding video companies hiding from our Gen- Pop.

Price $14.95
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Price $9.95
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never before seen footage of some of the best up and coming
snowboarders ever seen in the industry who are here to blow
your minds away. This snowboard video was filmed on location
at many backcountry destinations along with progressive
park and urban rail assaults.
Price $9.99 - List
Price $19.95



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seasons production called Bottom Line is a remarkable version
and shot sharp in 16:9. (includes book). Europes finest
riders with Europes biggest production is claiming the next
decade of Snowboarding with this snowboard DVD video. This
is the 10th year of the PirateCrew and theyre right now
preparing the cake. You can expect a nice action movie with
impressions from our travels. The movie wont be the typical
part after part snowboard qorn and you might be surprised...
Bottom Line. A true Pirate snowboard DVD videothat you wanna
watch over and over again. Riders list: Gigi Rüf, Marco
Feichtner, Kalle Ohlson, Markku Koski, Arthur Longo, Juuso
Laivisto, Tyler Chorlton, Chris Sörman, Hans Ahlund,
Björn Hartweger, Danny Larsen, Teo Konttinen, Victor
Teymurov, Stian Solberg, Gerome Mathieu, Erik Botner, and
Werni Stock. Countries visited: Austria, Japan, Sweden,
USA, Norway, and Finland.
Panic! Yes, you should not panic. Why panic? Things are
good, aren't they? Speaking of "things"...."Don't
Panic!" is also the name for IsenSevens 2010 movie.
We travelled to powdery Euro resorts, snowed-in German and
Scandinavian cities, slushy California parks, Russian ghettos
and all kinds of other fun places.....except Vegas. No snow
there this year. With a bunch of new riders, familiar faces
and new additions to the production team, we regrouped to
form a snowboard-movie-super-alliance which even the United
Nations couldn't shake a stick at. Equipped with fancy schmancy
cameras and cool cranes/jibs/dollys/cable cams/filming monkeys
we set out to make yet another fine movie filled with the
typical fun riding, banger bangers, people doing stupid
things, rails, pow, park, bright and flashy colors and little
snow caves. This years team consists of the usual suspects
Fredrik Evensen, Christophe Schmidt, Ludwig Lejkner, Fips
& Tobi Strauss, Alex Tank, Tom Klocker, Marco Smolla
and the new additions of the swiss connection Colin Frei
& David Bertschinger Karg, Austro kicker machine Benny
Wetscher, Norwegian viking Sindre Iversen, Italian supermodel
Simon Gruber, Scotlands real Braveheart Gary Greenshields
and Norwegian super-kid Gjermund Br?ten. So be sure to bring
your barf bags cause there's going to be some spinning that
will make you dizzy!

List Price $29.99 
two and a half years out in the elements of winter, Volcom
is gearing up to release its 5th feature snowboarding film
Escramble. Escramble came to life in the spring and summer
of 2004. To kick off the movie we started down under in
the beautiful country of New Zealand with snowboarding legends
Terje Haakonsen and Jamie Lynn along with team captain Bjorn
Leines. From there we travel around the earth to such locations
as Austria, Bulgaria, Norway, Canada, Alaska, Utah, Montana,
and Tahoe documenting the best action of the 2006 season.
Wille Yli-luoma, Erik Leines, Bryan Iguchi, Seth Huot, Janna
Meyen, Cheryl Maas, Mark Landvik, Chris Demolski, Gigi Ruf,
and Shaun White have worked tirelessly to compile their
best footage for this upcoming release. Look for it in store
September 1st. It is sure to Escramble you brain.
List Price $29.99 


snowboard video title
Dawg Productions brings you a film created in the most heated
sessions of the 2002 2003 season. When the worlds
top riders gather together, the energy builds and they push
each other to new levels.
SHOW takes you deep into the epic sessions that went down
at the U.S. Open. Other events featured include The Nixon
Jib Fest, The Redbull Heavy Metal West Coast Invitational,
The Arctic Challenge and The Transworld Team Challenge.
This video features all of your favorite riders rising to
the occasion and throwing down. Let the games begin!
Price $9.95 - List
Price $29.95
years snowboard DVD video from IsenSeven will give you everything
you ever loved the crew for and more surprises than you
can wave a stick at. Filled with more fun shredding than
ever, high level riding, crazier intro´s and amazing
journeys, this is surely going to be the highlight of the
IsenSeven films. Celebrating their ten year aniversary,
the crew is pumped to entertain you to the fullest. This
movie is as IsenSeven as it gets!
List Price $29.99 
Go Get Lost


snowboard video title
jumps are sick... and once again they have that category
well covered in this snowboard video. But there will always
be a bigger jump or that extra 180 added to the rotation
that will dethrone last year's golden moment. So...what
aspects of snowboarding can withstand the test of time?
They spent the winter examining this question and came up
with some answers that will have you waxing your board and
watching the Weather Channel in September. You will see.
Starring Gigi Rüf, Romain DeMarchi, Wolle Nyvelt, Kurt
Wastell, Trevor Andrew, Jonaven Moore, Christophe Schmidt,
DCP, JP Solberg, Matt Beardmore, Nicolas Droz, and Jussi
Price $24.95 - List
Price $29.95
happens when Mother Nature sticks it to you? Hit the road
first...panic later...and "The Big Blind" is born.
Join Whiteout Films, its epic staff of pencil pushers, cinematographers
and high power roster of Pro snowboard talent on an epic
snowboard video adventure though the "snow friendly"
regions of the planet. Watch as they embark on the maddest
hunt for winter white and new terrain documented in this
new snowboarding video dvd. "The Big Blind" 2005.
Shot on Location in Canada, USA, Japan, Europe. Starring
Devun Walsh Chris Dufficy Ikka Backstrom Eero Niemela Dionne
Delesalle, Shin Campos TJ Schneider Kale Stephens Paavo
Tikkanen Keir Dillon Benji Ritchie JF Pelchat Tadashi Fuse
And Friends...
Price $29.99

Big Blind


Price $22.95 - List
Price $24.95
Snow snowboarding video is a revolutionary look into the
world of extraordinarily talented grom snowboarders. This
second film captures the best groms in todays competitive
world, the list on this film are highly anticipated by the
public. Features a mind blowing soundtrack with Dynamite
Boy, Plain White Ts, The Randies, Existereo, Slowride,
Just Surrender, The Eines, Very Special People, Too Rude,
Ludo, Northcoast Underground, The Schemers and PerkOne.
One of the great new snowboarding videos for the kids this